The Story Behind The Logo

Many people ask me:
– what does idea stand for?
– Idea is an answer
– To what questions?
– To all of them…
Idea was born out of a quest for answers to life’s big questions.
Having searched for an epiphany for years.
I looked for a clear, simple and ideal symbol that would be like a typeface symbolising the process of revelation – the epiphany.
In the course of my research I became aware of the symbolism of the Y, which is the only symbol to give two paths in its upper part that rise upwards, the Why symbol.
So I had the first part and it was in a moment of extreme lucidity that the alliance of the Y and the exclamation mark came naturally!
So Idea is the step between the question and its answer, a sort of call to solution in which we can sometimes find ourselves.
I now know that most complicated questions take time to become simple and allow an ideal answer. This is what Idea is all about.